www.m2matiz.com |
Welcome to the last of our July stallholder spotlight interviews,
we've been joined by a market favourite m2matiz.
Mariana takes beautiful photos and then creates an amazing range of gifts from these images.
Including gift tags, gift cards, notebooks and my favourite the t.lighthaus©.
This is what made IN thornbury is all about,
a local making and selling a beautiful product right here in our own backyard.
This is what made IN thornbury is all about,
a local making and selling a beautiful product right here in our own backyard.
1. What do you create ?
I create products based on my photography work. Products such as gift tags, gift cards, notebooks,
the t.lighthaus©, the luMierebox and more recently ‘claudia’ a resin necklace range. I’ve tried to cater
to all tastes with over 140 images in my gallery to choose from. Most images are applicable to all the
products I offer. Printed in Melbourne, hand cut and packaged by hand.
2. What is your favourite thing that you sell ?
I think my favourite is the t.lighthaus©. It’s a unique product I’m very proud to have designed myself.
3. How long have you been making/baking/creating ?
I come from a graphic design background and studied Interior Decoration and Design 6 years ago, so
I’ve been creating for over 20 years. My current product range is recent though. Taking photographs
became a passion in 2007 and by the end of 2009 the m2matiz range was born. My love of
photography and my skills in graphic design led me to take my work to the next level and produce
what is now a total of 8 products.
4. Who inspires you to create ?
Charles and Ray Eames are a huge inspiration to me. I’m rather obsessed by them in fact. I love their
aesthetic and their creativity in many areas of design is something I aspire to.. and it’s not just ‘who’
inspires me but ‘what’… nature, light, texture and detail all play a very major role. The world around
me is a constant source of inspiration. The more I photograph, the more I see, the more I want to
5. What made you want to sell your goodies at the market?
m2matiz has evolved very organically over the past 2 years. I never imagined I’d have a website, sell
online, or supply to stockists nation wide… it all happens via the internet and I work in my studio on
my own. Markets are a wonderful opportunity to meet people face to face. I love the interaction,
communicating whilst watching people’s reaction to my products is rewarding and a very humbling
6. Coffee or tea?
I’m a soy café latte girl… 3 or 4 glasses any time of the day or night.
7. And how many do you need to be market ready ?
A quick one with breakfast, one just after I’ve set up, one after lunch and maybe even another at
about two.
8. What’s the best thing about living in the Thornbury area ?
Thornbury has great shopping precincts within walking distance, from choice food stores to bars
from second hand stores to cafés. We’re really happy to be a part of such a diverse and multicultural
community with everything at our doorstep. And of course we love it for its proximity to the CBD
9. Name three crafty things that you can’t live without:
Not so crafty… but I couldn’t live without my camera and lenses and my knitting needles and sewing
10. One more thing that our lovely market shoppers should know about you?
I really love what I do, from product design to packaging and kindergarten portraits to graphic art
and design. I didn’t plan to be where I am today, so I feel very privileged to have reached a point
where I’m able to let my thoughts and inspirations translate into objects that people desire. I am
beyond grateful.
Made n Thornbury Community Market