Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas Twilight Market

Well, I always say that our market happens in rain, hail or shine.
Now, we can add sweltering HEAT to that list.

Oh ! It was a hot night last Friday.

Thankfully, we had delicious all natural icy poles to keep us cool :

Picket Fence Pops
 We even had a visit from the very popular Taco Truck.

And of course we had a hall full of very talented stallholders.

Talented stallholders, including KateCampbell Designs, Lauren WIlliams Handmade

Z Twist Art


Made by a Mzungu

Liz and Bob Designs Greeting Cards

Millie 'n' Daisy

Pauline Meade Ceramics

The Crocheting Cat




And after tacos, icy poles and shopping, there were delicious treats from Melbourne Epicure.

The market was a fabulous way to end the year.
A big thank you to our stallholders, from this market and throughout the year.
Your talent and creativity is inspiring. 
Thank you to TWNH for your continued support,
and a very big thank you to our local community for coming out and supporting handmade.

We look forward to seeing you next year for handmade market goodness.

Made n Thornbury Community Market