Thursday, March 8, 2012

International Women's Day - Who Inspires You.......

 Happy International Women's Day.

Image from here

A day to celebrate all that have women have acheived
and to reflect on the things that still need to be acheived.

This week, the Thornbury Women's Neighbourhood House
 attended the  Darebin International Women's Day Event 
and posed this question :

"As a woman I am inspired by........................"

Some of these amazing quotes given were :

Other women who achieve


Women’s selflessness in general; their ability to “get on with it” without recognition or reward or any expectation of these.

My ballet teacher is interesting and I want to be like her – I am 9 yrs old – Jane Tyler

Other inspiring women. 

Women with passion and a positive outlook on life

“All the women of the world; childbearers, servants of life, creative strong leaders.

Despite multiple oppressions women continue to thrive.” Hama

Men who truly like women

Experiencing different cultures

Neighbourhood Houses

My friends

Our mothers, grandmothers, great aunts, sisters – all female relatives

Our female peers

Role models – teachers, professionals

Women who have taken a leading role in community life

Female community workers

All women survivors of family violence

Other independent women in the community

Our Prime Minister

My women friends who are always on hand to offer love and support and with whom I share laughter, tears, words, yoga, a swim, a walk along the beach, a bike ride on the trails and a coffee or two!

“My garden
I give you roses to show you love
I give you daisies to show you life
And I give you daffodils to ease your strife
On this day for women worldwide
I must add a purple pansy to show you pride
And a white rose for peace
And a green leaf of myrtle to set you at ease” - Clare Nugent

"The generations of women
who shoulder to shoulder
fought for the rights of all women.
the sisterhood’s work remaining
sisters rise up and band
together to finally obtain
equality for all our
global sisters"

I think one of my favorites is 9 year old Jane's inspiring ballet teacher !

So, Who Inspires You ? 
Please leave your comments here, or take part in the conversation on facebook.

Made n Thornbury Community Market