Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Made n Thornbury March 2009

To Market to Market...
Images from the March Market

Kangaroo and Joey Crafts

It all started with a mothers day market in 2007. There was a lot of interest, there were some lovely stalls. More people said, give us more. So we did, a year later we ran another Mother's day market.
Hey this is great the locals cried but we want even more...
So in 2009 the Made n Thornbury community market was birthed. It was a smooth labour, a lot of oohing and ahhing over the name,and a lot of cooing over the beautiful stalls. And really just wide eyed wonder that women were at home making all of this fantastic stuff.

Join us for the next market

5 September 10am -3pm

99 Leinster Grove Thornbury

For more information call Justine Sless

at Thornbury Women's Neighbourhood House

9480 0466